Second Annual Car Show and Silent Movie – Atlantic City, NJ
July 16 @ 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sponsor: South Jersey Region AACA
Location: Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ
July 16, 2025 2 PM – 7 PM. (Wednesday) Second Annual Car Show and Silent Movie on the world’s largest pipe organ! Indoor car show located in the main arena of Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ. The car show begins at 2 PM and the movie begins at 5 PM. You can sit in your car and watch the movie or sit anywhere in the arena seating. Free registration for the driver and one passenger. Access to the arena is at the intersection of Pacific and Georgia Aves. Please pre-register so we know how many to expect. Contact Chuck Gibson 609-221-5435 or Gibsonorgntnr@aol.com or boardwalkorgans.org.