The Chris & Kathleen Koch AACA Library & Research Center
AACA Library & Research Center
We are the Library and Research Center for the Antique Automobile Club of America. Recognized as a world-renowned resource for the collectible vehicle community, we strive to continue setting the standard in celebrating, collecting, preserving and sharing automotive legacy.
Our collection contains books, sales literature, brochures, company documents, owner’s booklets, periodicals, service manuals and many more items all relating to the automotive industry and hobby. At the AACA Library & Research Center, we share your passion for the preservation of automotive history.

Our library is one of the largest and most honored libraries of its type in the world. Currently we house about 3,000,000 individual items to help restorers and historians alike. We also house the collections of twelve car clubs and organizations in our state-of-the-art facility. The library was formed in 1977 and merged with the Antique Automobile Club of America in January of 2008. The AACA promotes the preservation and enjoyment of automotive history of all types and is a 501 (C) (3) charitable organization. The club was formed in 1935 and is the oldest and largest car club in this country.
The AACA Library and Research Center is open free to the public during our regular hours of operation for individual research. There are no fees for on-site research besides copies and digital scans.
While visiting the library you can view any of our books or look at specific information regarding one of your cars or maybe just an automobile topic that you are interested in. For those of you that can’t make it out to the library in person, we offer off-site research available to anyone who is interested to be completed by library staff by using our contact form.