National Awards
The AACA has established a comprehensive awards program to recognize outstanding achievement, superior contribution to the AACA and the hobby, participation in special events and restoration excellence. The program includes three categories of awards: National Awards, National Meet Competition Awards, and Region/Chapter Newsletter Contest Awards.
National Awards are presented to selected recipients based on criteria established by the Board of Directors. The awards are divided into two general groups. Some are presented for outstanding vehicles entered in AACA National Activities and others are presented for specific achievements of individuals or organizations. The trophies for these awards have been donated to the AACA and many of them memorialize specific individuals for their contribution to the automotive industry or to the Antique Automobile hobby. The original trophies are displayed at the AACA National Headquarters and recipients receive an engraved crystal award commemorating the award during the Awards Banquet at the AACA Annual Meeting.
National Meet Awards are presented at each National Meet and Annual Grand National Meet. AACA vehicle classifications and Junior and Senior Award categories were adopted starting with the Spring Meet at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, on June 14, 1952. The Preservation Award category was adopted starting with the Spring Meet at Chattanooga, Tennessee, on June 16, 1979. Annual Grand National Meet awards were adopted starting with the first AGNM in Clarks Summit, PA, on July 26, 1980. These awards recognize restoration excellence and specially designed trophies and plaques are presented to the winners at the meet awards banquet.
Plaques that identify National First Place winners (Junior), Senior Award winners, Grand National First Prize winners, Senior Grand National Award winners and National Award winners are given to the recipients. These plaques are permanently mounted on the vehicle to clearly identify it as an award winner.
Awards for Region or Chapter newsletters are based on participation in the Region/Chapter Newsletter Contest. The AACA Publications Committee selects recipients and the awards are presented at the Annual Meeting.
Trophies and awards for National Tours are provided at the discretion of the Tour Director and Chairman. Touring people are generally more interested in touring than in receiving awards; therefore the criteria and selection of recipients is less formal than for the annual and National Meet awards.

The AACA Cup
Outstanding restoration of the year of a pre-1921 automobile entered in each Division. Established in 1945 by a member who desired to remain anonymous.

The President’s Cup
Outstanding restoration of the year of a 1921 through 1942 automobile entered in each Division. Award established in 1960 by AACA.

The Bomgardner Award
Outstanding restoration of the year of a post-1942 automobile entered in each Fall Meet. Established in 1987 by AACA in honor of William and Jean Bomgardner for their years of dedication as executive director and office manager of AACA from 1959 through 1986. The trophy itself was donated by Mr. Edward H. Marion.

The AACA Past President’s Racing Cup
Outstanding race car entered in each Division. Established in 1971 by Mr. and Mrs. Seth Pancoast, Sr. and is a cup won by Erwin Bergdoll on June 18, 1910, driving a Benz at the Point Breeze Race Track in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. P.D. Folwell, Mrs. Hyde Ballard’s father, was chairman of the contest board of the Quaker City Motor Club and presented the cup to the winner in 1910.

The Joseph Parkin Award
Outstanding Packard entered in each Division. Established in 1973 by Joseph W. Parkin, Jr., former race driver of the Fairmount Park races and the Point Breeze races. Joseph W. Parkin, Jr. won this trophy in 1910 with a Packard “30”.

The Post War Car Award
Outstanding Junior Post-War automobile entered in each Spring Meet. Established in 1982 by the Southern California Region, R.J. LaPorte, Bill Honda and Al Gherardi.

The James Melton Memorial Cup
Outstanding Senior Car entered in the Spring Meet in each Division. Established in 1963 by Dr. Samuel L. Scher in memory of James Melton (1903-1961), former AACA president and internationally known singer. The cup itself is the racing trophy won by the famous Winton Bullet in 1905, and was once prized possession of James Melton.

The Chocolate Town Trophy
Outstanding Senior Car entered in the Fall Meet in each Division. Established in 1972 by the Hershey Estates and the Hershey Foods Corporation in commemoration of the first annual Fall Meet held in Hershey in 1954. The Hershey Fall Meet, largest of its kind in the world, has been held continuously since that time.

The W. Emmert Swigart Memorial Cup
Outstanding restoration of a rare and unusual automobile entered in a National Meet. Established in 1950 by Mrs. Swigart in memory of W. Emmert Swigart (1883-1949), former AACA director and an early collector of antique automobiles and automobiliana.

The S.F. Edge Trophy
Outstanding restoration of the year of a foreign-made automobile entered in a National Meet. Established in 1956 by Mrs. Edge of England in memory of S.F. Edge (1868-1940), winner of the Gordon-Bennet Race in 1902, and who was known as the “father of the British motor industry.” An associate of the Napier organization, he designed the first six-cylinder engine for them.

The Pamphilon Distinguished Car Award
Pre-1916 self-propelled land vehicle of outstanding merit entered in a National Meet. Award established in 1965 by Mrs. L. Edward Pamphilon in memory of a L. Edward Pamphilon who gave unsparingly of his time and energy to the Antique Automobile Club of America and to the advancement of the hobby.

Bert S. Harrington, Jr. Brighton Era Award
Pre-1905 automobile awarded on the basis of restoration, maintenance or preservation selected from a National Meet or Tour. Donated by Mrs. Lu Harrington in memory of her husband.

The Edgar E. Rohr Memorial Award
Awarded to a 1931 or older Buick automobile on the basis that it has completed an AACA National or Divisional Tour. Donated by Mrs. Walser Rohr in memory of her husband, a great promoter of the hobby, who was a National President (1963-1964). The Rohrs participated in more than 23 Glidden Tours in their 1912 Buick.

The Ford Award
Awarded to Fords of the four eras of model years:
Brass Model era & Model “T” era cars (1903-1927); Model “A” cars (1928-1931); Pre-War Ford cars (1932-1945); Post-War Ford cars (1946 to current allowable year).
One winner will be selected annually from the nominees from all National Meets. Junior and Senior cars are eligible. Competition and commercial vehicles are excluded. All driven and non-driven cars are eligible. With consideration given to driven cars. The award is made on the basis of authenticity, appearance and reliability. Award established in 1976 by the Southeastern Region of AACA.

Ransom E. Olds Memorial Trophy
Presented by Oldsmobile Division, G.M.C. honouring the year’s most outstanding restoration at a National Meet by a product of Olds Motor Works or Oldsmobile Division, G.M.C. Trophy donated by Classic Oldsmobile, Merrillville, Indiana.

Louis Chevrolet Memorial Award
Awarded to an outstanding Junior Chevrolet shown at an AACA National Meet during the year. This award was made possible by Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corp.

Senior Chevrolet Award
Awarded to an outstanding Senior Chevrolet shown at an AACA National Meet during the year. Established in 2002 by Lafayette and Janice Williams.

The Motorcycle Award
Awarded for outstanding restoration of the year of a motorcycle shown at a National Meet. Established by the Southwestern Two Wheelers Region of AACA.

The Minicycle Award
Outstanding restoration of a minicycle entered in Classes 5d and/or 5e at a National Meet (other than an AGNM) during the year.

The Hershey Region Junior Truck Award
Outstanding Junior truck entered in a National Meet. Established in 1989 by the AACA Hershey Region.

The Hershey Region Senior Truck Award
Outstanding Senior truck entered in a National Meet. Established in 1980 by the Hershey Region of AACA.

The Annual Grand National Award
Annual Grand National Meet participant which best exemplifies the restoration, preservation and enjoyment of antique motor vehicles in keeping with the purpose of the Antique Automobile Club of America. Award established in 1980 by the Scranton Region of AACA, host Region of the First Annual Grand National Meet. This is the only National Award presented for the Annual Grand National Meet.

The Mercer Plaque
Outstanding Mercer automobile entered in a National Meet and judged on the basis of age, authenticity, appearance, and mechanical condition. Established in 1956 by the late honorary member, Vincent Galloni, who was a Mercer employee during the existence of that company and who was the greatest Mercer authority until his death in 1958.

The Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg Award
Outstanding Auburn, Cord, or Duesenberg automobile presented. Selection may be a Junior or Senior vehicle. This award was made possible by the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg Museum, Auburn, Indiana.

The Foo-Dog Trophy
Outstanding Rolls-Royce automobile entered in a National Meet judged on the basis of age, style and quality of coachwork, authenticity, appearance and mechanical condition. Established in 1945 by former AACA President, D. Cameron Peck. The trophy itself is an ancient and valuable Chinese work of art.

AACA Post War Buick Award
Outstanding Post War (WW 2) Buick entered in a National Meet. Donated by Eileen and Jeffrey Brashares of Worthington, Ohio.

The Buick Heritage Alliance Award
Awarded to an outstanding pre-war (up to 1942) Buick entered in a National Meet. Preference will be given to a well preserved original car, although restored cars are also eligible. Donated by the Buick Heritage Alliance to honor its Board Member and Past President, Terry B. Dunham, for his untiring devotion to the Alliance’s educational and charitable mission, and his lifelong contributions to the preservation of Buick history.

The Walter P. Chrysler Award
Outstanding Chrysler built vehicle, (Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler, Imperial, Jeep) car or truck shown at the National Meet during the year. Established in 1998 by Darrell L. and Jacqueline Davis.

George M. Holley Award
Outstanding restoration of a 1921 through 1942 antique vehicle entered in a national meet for each division, senior vehicles only. Established by the Holley Foundation.

Peterson Fire Apparatus Award
Outstanding fire apparatus entered in a National Meet. Presented in 2001 by Edward L. Peterson President of SPAAMFAA

The Cadillac-LaSalle Award
Outstanding Junior or Senior Cadillac or LaSalle showed during the year at a National Meet. Presented by the Cadillac LaSalle Club.

Discontinued Automobile Award
Outstanding automobile whose manufacture ceased during the period of 1939 through 1959 model years entered in a National Meet. Established in 1999 by Darrell and Jacqueline Davis in honour of Paul D. Davis.

The Discontinued Award II (Late Model)
This award is presented by The Garrison family in honor of Robert N. Garrison and Annie Jo Garrison and their love, loyalty, and devotion to the Antique Automobile Club of America. Bob and Jo loved touring and were especially fond of the more unique, unappreciated, vehicles often referred to as ‘orphan cars’. The Garrison family dedicates this award to those AACA members who have worked tirelessly to preserve, promote and protect the old car hobby.

HPOF Award
Outstanding vehicles in the HPOF (Historical Preservation Original Features) Class in three categories. two- or three-wheel cycle vehicle – Award established in 1988 by the AACA Northern California Antique Motorcycle Region. Vehicles through 1929 (excluding two- or three-wheel cycle vehicles) – Award established in 1991 by the AACA Hershey Region. Vehicles 1930 through current allowable year (25 years old or older) – Award established in 1992 by the AACA Hershey Region in memory of Shirley M. Mader, longtime member and Secretary of the Hershey Region.

Two or Three-wheel Cycle Vehicle Award
Award established in 1988 by the AACA Northern California Antique Motorcycle Region.
Vehicles through 1929 (excluding two- or three-wheel vehicles) —Award established in 1991 by the AACA Hershey Region.
Vehicles 1930 through current allowable year (35 years or older) —Award established in 1992 by the AACA Hershey Region in memory of Shirley M. Mader, longtime member and Secretary of the Hershey Region.

The Thomas McKean Tour Trophy
An antique automobile which completed a National Tour on the basis of age, authenticity, appearance, condition and distance traveled to and from the tour. Established in 1949 by Thomas McKean, former president of AACA.

Benny T. Bootle Memorial Award
Outstanding V8 Ford Automobile, which completed an AACA National Tour (Founders, Glidden). Established in 1998 by Mrs. Donna Bootle in memory of her husband who was an avid Ford collector and served as AACA National President in 1995.

The AACA Appreciation Award
Recognition of outstanding achievement in the preservation of the automotive history.

The Augustus Post Memorial Plaque
AACA members doing their most to preserve or re-create the spirit of the original Glidden Tours during a National AACA Tour. Presented first in 1953 by AAA and since 1959 by AACA in memory of Col. Augustus Post, a founder of the AAA, early motorist and aviator, and instigator and participant of every original Glidden Tour (1905-1913). He participated with AACA in every revival Glidden Tour from 1946 until his death.

The AACA Divisional Tour Award
An individual or region in recognition of their outstanding contributions in hosting a Divisional Tour. The AACA Pennsylvania Dutch Region Tour Committee established this award in 1999. The award is a handmade, quilted wall hanging made by Doris Lausch, long-time member of the Region.

The Winters Racing Award
AACA member in recognition of an outstanding contribution to documented racing vehicles by his or her deeds and display of enthusiasm. Established in 1996 by James E. and Clarice B. Winters, racing enthusiasts.

The Charles E. Duryea Cup
AACA member for an outstanding effort on behalf of the Club on the basis of the value of the member’s contribution to the general welfare of the AACA. Presented by Marion and M.J. Duryea in memory of Charles E. Duryea (1860-1938), inventor of America’s first gasoline automobile in 1892 in Springfield, Massachusetts.

The Chris Ritter Library and Research Center Award
A person who made an outstanding contribution of any kind (personal service, financial support or other aid) to the AACA Library and Research Center. Presented to AACA in 1984 by Harry and Lorraine Logan. Lorraine was the first secretary of the AACA Library and Research Center.

The Fiala Old Faithful Award
Member of AACA, not elected or appointed to a National office, who best exemplifies the true spirit of our Founders for service and accomplishment to the Antique Automobile Club of America, by his or her deeds and display of enthusiasm through the years. Established in 1995 by the children of Theodore and Suzanne Fiala in their parents’ memory.

The I.C. Kirkham Membership Award
Region or Chapter with the greatest membership gain according to a weighted formula that considers the number of new National members acquired and the percentage of increase in membership. This I.C. Kirkham trophy is presented by the Genesee Valley Antique Car Society Region in memory of Elmer Bassage who probably sponsored more new members for AACA than any other person.

The George R. Norton, Jr. Award
To an individual or group which has significantly contributed to the development and growth of AACA membership. Established by the Ontelaunee Region in memory of Mr. Norton

The Samuel E. Baily Memorial Award
AACA member in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the improvement of performance in the AACA Judging System. Presented to the AACA in 1968 by Mrs. Samuel E. Baily in memory of Samuel E. Baily who was the pioneer in complete restorations and prepared the basis for our present-day judging.

The Thomas J. Wells Memorial Award
AACA Field Judge whose continued performance has contributed to the success of the judging program. Tom Wells set high standards for judging and this award is made to those who give their time and knowledge to support the AACA Judging System. Selection shall be made by the Judging Committee and the National Awards Committee.

The Founders Award
Current National Director or Chairman, selected by his fellow directors who, in their opinion, has contributed outstandingly to the guidance of AACA toward its founding principles: the perpetuation of the pioneer days of automobiling by furthering the interest in and the preserving of antique cars, and the promotion of sportsmanship and of good fellowship among all its members. The trophy itself is the actual steering wheel from the 1907 Thomas Flyer driven by Montague Roberts in the 1907 Briarcliff Road Race, given to Robert and Dorthea Laurens in 1952 by their dear friend Montague Roberts, one of the great pioneer race drivers of the early 20th century, and presented to AACA in 1975 through the efforts of Founding Members Frank Abramson, Ted Brooks, Earle Eckel, Sr., and Ted Fiala, Sr., for use as the “Founders Award Steering Wheel Trophy,” by Mr. And Mrs. Laurens in memory of “Monty Roberts.”

The Ann S. Eady Memorial Award
Editor of a region or chapter newsletter for their contribution to the general welfare and spirit of the Antique Automobile Club of America. Presented by the Southeastern Region of AACA, the trophy itself is Ann S. Eady’s typewriter which she used as editor of “Peachtree Parade” from 1965 to 1974.

The Thomas McKean Memorial Cup
Awarded for worthwhile effort during the year in automotive historical research on the basis of accuracy, interest to club members, and the use to which the research is put. Presented by the AACA in 1949 in memory of Thomas McKean (1909-1949), former president and bibliophile.

The M.J. Duryea Memorial Cup
AACA member for outstanding contribution to automotive history through the ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine during the year. Presented in 1958 by the AACA in memory of Merle J. Duryea (1895-1957), a former president and editor who contributed more to the success and growth of the AACA than any other individual in his time.

The Editorial Award
Member of the staff of the ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine in recognition of outstanding editorial services. Sponsored by the Raymond E. Holland Automotive Art & Toy Collection, Allentown, Pennsylvania, and is awarded annually.

The Sparkplug Award
The webmaster of a region or chapter internet website for their contribution to the general welfare and spirit of the AACA. Donated by Ruth and Roland Dunkelberger

The Senior Master Judge
Senior Master Field Judge with less than 100 judging credits. In recognition of exemplary performance and knowledge of AACA judging principles and practices. Presented in memory of Glen Neidigh, an AACA judge with 25 years of judging experience.

The Drivers Participation Award
In memory of John E. Bittner Jr. & William E. Swigart, Jr. Presented by Patricia Bittner Swigart & Family. The Drivers Participation Award (DPC) recognizes an outstanding car and owner who exemplify the spirit of maintaining and driving a collectible vehicle. It was a particular passion of both Mr. Bittner and Mr. Swigart who believed historic vehicles were meant to be enjoyed not only as works of art but for the fun of driving on the highways. This award is given to a pre-war and post-war vehicle.

Bus Award
The most outstanding Bus was shown at a National Meet. Award established in 207 in honor and memory of Samuel D. LaRoue, Jr. The Historical Museum of Southern Florida endowed this award in Sam’s memory in grateful appreciation for his service and generosity to the museum.

Factory High Performance
Outstanding vehicle is shown at a National Meet in Class 36. Award established in 2008 by the Cooper Family in memory of Tom Cooper. Beginning in 2010 this award will be presented to a winning vehicle in each division.

The Corvette Award
In honor of Mel Mann; in appreciation of his dedicated service to AACA and in recognition as a collector of fine Corvettes. Presented by South Florida Region AACA.

The Military Vehicle Award
Presented for an outstanding military vehicle (Junior or Senior) entered in a national meet during the year. The manufactured vehicle should be legal for highway operation and the award will be based on the maintenance, preservation and/or restoration of the vehicle. This award was established in 2012 by the United States Marine Corps Motor Transport Association, Inc.

The Thunderbird Award
Presented in the name of Earl Tindol Family, in recognition of the Ford Thunderbird and its role in automotive history. This award is given to the most outstanding Thunderbird at an AACA National Meet.

The Lincoln-Continental-Mercury Award
Presented to the most outstanding Lincoln, Continental or Mercury at an AACA National Meet. Established in 2015 by the Hornets Nest Region of Charlotte, North Carolina in recognition of Lincoln, Continental and Mercury vehicles and their role in automotive chronicles.

The General Motors Styling Award
Awarded at the AACA Annual Meeting for an outstanding GM vehicle produced during the Harley Earl era, (1927-1958). This award is a tribute to Harley Earl, who is considered the Dean of Automotive Designers in the 20th Century. This award is sponsored by Margaret Vitale in memory of her late husband George Vitale. George was the personification of a car guy and owned GM cars from this era.

The Automotive Supplier Award
Presented to a supplier or merchant of automotive restoration parts or components which uphold the originality of vehicles as they were delivered to the dealer. Established in 2015 by the Hornets Nest Region Charlotte, North Carolina to honor Dennis Carpenter an innovator in providing original reproduction equipment Ford parts.